Children of the Whales Wiki

Thymia (サイミア), taken from the Greek "Θυμία" (Lit. "Spiritedness"), is a power used by certain people within the world of "Children of the Whales".

Users of Thymia, known as the Marked, demonstrate the psychic ability to move objects telekinetically.

While it cannot be directly used on human beings, Thymia can give people the ability to do things normally beyond their strength, like children taking down a grown man with a rock and a sling.

However, the use of Thymia is physically exerting, with the severity and speed of exhaustion a Marked may experience being relative to the size of the object they're manipulating, for example: Moving a sand boat is said to be about as draining as running at a full sprint.

When Thymia is being used, a uniquely colored aura is emitted around the user's body (as well as the object being moved) along with a glowing pattern across their skin, the design of which varies from person to person.

Thymia can only be used by those that live under a Nous.

